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"By by" mum says leaving me and Oliver home alone as she slams the door. We watch mum drive of through the window, let's go on the trampoline I say to my 5 year old brother Oliver, Oliver dives onto the trampoline while I take nap after a long day. I wake up at three o'clock in the afternoon then I go to get Oliver but I see him running across the road to the junk yard, I chase him into the junk yard, he runs in the incinerator exalter and i run in with him. Oliver jumps out of a random door but i miss it, now i'm inches away the fire of the incinerator then all of a sudden I start to move away from the incinerator then closer then further. BAM! i hit the ground then i take Oliver home awaiting mum.   

hockey injury


A NEW BUG  Once upon a time inafar off land there was a forest, and in that forest there was a cottage, and in that cottage was a lovely princess named Lucy. well Lucy was an out side girl and by that I mean she loved exploring the forest, fishing, playing hockey, and going for walks, she even left the castle for a cottage. One day Lucy went out to explore the forest. With her came along Max and Max. They all had a magnifyingglass in onehand and a jar in the other hand,and a binocularshanging around their necks. Afternot long of looking they saw a wonderful bug that has never been seen before. It was circle with a oval head , it had  had two antennaebut but no eyes, and it only had four legs.  Lucy picked up the bug but it bit her she started to feel not so well and collapsed. Max went to get Luke while Maz put it safely in a jar. When Luke saw Lacy uncoshis on the ground he immediately called an ambulance. The ambulance arrivedas soon as possible "we think she is poisone,

why autumn leaves change

Changing of autumn leaves Autumn leaves change colors because of pigments hidden in the chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is a chemical collects sunlight and turns it into energy for the tree. The tree stores the energy for the winter and the leaves no longer need to collect sunlight, so the chlorophyll isn’t made anymore so you can see the pigments. Later because of their being no more chlorophyll the leaves don’t have a job and they fall.

Funny limerick poetry

Limerick Poetry There was a boy that played with his car The boy liked to say raar His cars were under a sheet His cars were not so neat He drove the cars on the tar. I had a wiggly tooth The tooth touched the roof The tooth had blood The tooth was a dud I put the tooth in a booth. There once was a train That went to spain It loved the sun Then got a bung The train got caught in the rain. There once was a heart that loved to play The heart decided to play in the hay The hay was spikey The heart wore shoes from nike That's why the heart likes to play all day. There once was a kid that had a cat The cat loved to sit on the mat The cat’s owners name is pete Pete is very neat The cat decided to chase a rat. The river is dirty The river is murky The river is gross It smells like roast What is that in the river is it a turkey.

bad job

I heard a loud roar coming from the couch. I heard a loud booming voice announcing “leave me alone”. I saw droopy eyes as they were closing down. I felt responsible to leave him alone I felt annoyed I couldn’t play. I noticed he was annoyed that he had work. I noticed he wanted a new job because he has to wake up at 4:15. I wondered will he quit? I wondered will he get a new job? To be continued!

The nature trail

I heard a noise from in the bushes like singing. I heard a noise within the the trees going tic tic. I observed a lot of giants made wood. I felt like I was in a barricade that kept me to the path. I felt like I could fall asleep, It was so soothing. I wondered how long I the nature trail will be with us. I wondered what will happen when leave the school.