Once upon a time inafar off land there was a forest, and in that forest there was a cottage, and in that cottage was a lovely princess named Lucy. well Lucy was an out side girl and by that I mean she loved exploring the forest, fishing, playing hockey, and going for walks, she even left the castle for a cottage.

One day Lucy went out to explore the forest. With her came along Max and Max. They all had a magnifyingglass in onehand and a jar in the other hand,and a binocularshanging around their necks. Afternot long of looking they saw a wonderful bug that has never been seen before. It was circle with a oval head , it had  had two antennaebut but no eyes, and it only had four legs.  Lucy picked up the bug but it bit her she started to feel not so well and collapsed. Max went to get Luke while Maz put it safely in a jar. When Luke saw Lacy uncoshis on the ground he immediately called an ambulance. The ambulance arrivedas soon as possible "we think she is poisone, we willget the stretcher bed and take her to the hospital " announcedtheambulance driver. The medic hauled out the stretcherbed and stood it up, together the ambulance driver and the medic lifted Lucy on it , loaded her in theambulance and set of for the hospital. "will mummy be alright" Mary and Molly quiveredwith fear  "I think so" Max and Maz said poignancy "oh hope so " Luke said with sorrow and hope. A squarish figure was was coming from within the trees then it stopped, someone stepped out "where'she the new bug you found we would like to run some test on it" the lady asked, Maz reveled the jar then the lady snatched it and loaded it in the van then  she took off. Back at the hospitalLucy was having an injection to kill the poison. Lucy was now safe at home with her family and the lived happily ever after. 

                                THE END.


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