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I heard a loud roar coming from the couch. I heard a loud booming voice announcing “leave me alone”. I saw droopy eyes as they were closing down. I felt responsible to leave him alone I felt annoyed I couldn’t play. I noticed he was annoyed that he had work. I noticed he wanted a new job because he has to wake up at 4:15. I wondered will he quit? I wondered will he get a new job? To be continued!
Today (7 august 2017) i went to southell to learn about making a movie, i learnt about most types of shots (shots are different angles of the camera) a low shot, high shot, close up, long shot, middle shot, and over the shoulder. Also we made a film.To make a film you need ; props, a script, actors, camera person, and a director.
We all get growing pains once in a while and I'm sure you would like to know about growing every thing you need to know about growing pains pains. Well let's find out more than just it hurts and it makes us taller. When Aparantly growing pains usily happen at night. How to solve it: Do leg stretches and get a parent to masarge it at night, put a hot water bottle, or if it has been acing for a while have some parasitamal or if you are 12 or over have panadol.
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