
Showing posts from September, 2017

the adventures of Princess Lucy Lucy and the magical book

  Lucy and the magical book Lucy was gardening then she hit something while she was diging a hole, she pulled it out but it did take a while. It was a box but not just any box a treasure chest, she used a boby pin to pick the lock. The pad lock fell on the ground and the lid flang open. But the only thing that was inside the box was a book,But little did Lucy know that the book inside wasn't just any old book But  it was a magical book. When Lucy picked it up it said to her " I can grant you any wish and all you have to do is open me and close your eyes then make your wish and all you wish for will come true". So Lucy did exactly that but the book lied to Lucy. The book sucked her up. Lucy said "Oh no I'm trapped what have you done to me" the book said" all I have done is trapped you in my book" Lucy said "ok what do i have to do to get out of here" the book said finish the story and the I will let you out" So the story tha

A good film

Me and my class watched a film It was great, awesome and amazing.   The Link  making choices the film  It's about four kids two are student council which set things right but the other two break the rules

my daffodil song

I love the daffodils I love the daffodils over the mountain, I love the daffodils in amaksed the roses daffodils are my favourite flowers . Daffodils can be yellow and orange, daffodils can be white and orange, daffodils can also be yellow and y

growing pains

We all get growing pains once in a while and I'm sure you would like to know about growing every thing you need to know about growing pains pains. Well let's find out more than just it hurts and it makes us taller.  When Aparantly growing pains usily happen at night. How to solve it: Do leg stretches and get a parent to masarge it at night,  put a hot water bottle, or if it has been acing for a while have some parasitamal or if you are 12 or over have panadol. 

Its tongan language week

 Its tongan language week so I want to teach you some tongan.  Fefe'hake: how are you sai pe malo: good thanks malo e lelei: hello  malo: thanks sai pe: good/ok

my blog

                       welcome to my blog  I hope you enjoy my blog  and have a good day  Best of luck Riley

the adventures of Princess Lucy The giant.

The giant Lucy was going for a walk through the meadow then all of a sudden she sees  a giant, it looks hungry then a rumble shakes the land,  and spies Lucy with its big bloody  eye. The giant yells "yummy yummy I think I smell dinner" then Lucy screems "araaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh help me" and starts to run but it is to late... The giant grabs Lucy chucks her in the giants mouth which is totally gross by the way. Lucy clutches onto a tooth,  the  giant swallows. Lucys hands slip and she gets taken down the throat to the stomach. Lucy was terrified she couldn't believe her eyes. Then some green liquid starts to rise. Lucy says worried "it's stomach acid, I have to get out of here" then suddenly some rope hangs down, she makes her way to the rope tugs it to make sure its sturdy then climbs it to the mouth to find her true love 'luke'. They paraglid out of the mouth into the sun set.  The end